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Swimsuit Confidence

Summer Inspiration

Cossie Confidence - Katrina's Story

Anita McLachlan - 26th October 2017

Katrina is a juggler! Teacher and blogger with a knock-out smile, who knows first hand the challenges of getting #CossieConfidence back after breast cancer. Amazing.

Katrina is a juggler! Teacher and blogger with a knock-out smile, who knows first hand the challenges of getting #CossieConfidence back after breast cancer. Amazing.

Katrina is a natural and has been in studio here in Brisbane before, talking togs, taking them on holiday in Noosa. That smile! She also has a body shape that we see a lot here at Sequins and Sand so many of you will relate to her for sure.

Her blog is Sista with Style .

Thanks Katrina. So very much.
